1. The site’s popularity and Alexa ranking
Looking into a sites Alexa ranking is a good way to see how popular it is. For this reason, we provided the Alexa ranking of each site we review here whenever it’s available. This gives you a good idea of how popular the site is and where it the most popular. Another unscientific way to determine the site’s popularity is where it sits when you perform a Google search. Generally, if it appears on the first page of searches it’s a pretty popular site.
2. How many members use the site?
If a site does not provide readily available information on how many members make up its database this should raise some questions. A site with a large database of users is going to want to advertise that fact, and a dating site with a small membership base is not very useful.
3. How many features does the site have?
There are some features that are standard on most dating sites. A site should have a way to communicate with other members via email, it should probably have some sort of instant messaging option, and it should have some way of expressing your interest in another either through a simple wink, or perhaps through providing virtual gift options. Some of the better sites also offer forums and blogs, or informational videos to help you with the overall dating process.
4. How organized is the site?
If a site is not easy to navigate, or in appears unprofessional because of poor grammar, or unclear statements it’s probably not worth spending your hard-earned money on. We look carefully how each site is organized, and how it explains what it offers to its members. If they can’t get the simple things right, chances are they’re not truly qualified to help you find the perfect match.
If you take into account some of the points we’ve mentioned above there’s a better chance you’ll find the right Asian dating site for you. Hopefully the reviews we provide on this site will provide you with the tools you need to make the right decision. Good luck, we hope you find a lifelong mate.